Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit
- Joseph Pilates
Meet Janet Li Patel.
A mother to two energetic children, Janet is a true global citizen. Janet was born in Canada, raised in Hong Kong, educated in the UK and now resides in Brooklyn, New York. Although Janet began her career in finance, once she discovered Pilates there was no turning back. In Pilates she found healing from persistent back pain, relief from an old shoulder injury and more recently, recoveries from 2 Cesarean surgeries. Finding that she couldn't get enough of Pilates, she pursued a career as a Pilates instructor in 2008 and was most recently a lead teacher trainer at Equinox Pilates Training Institute. Janet is passionate about helping others heal, grow stronger and stay injury free through Pilates.
Janet has been sharing her love for Pilates for over 14 years. Janet founded Pilates Mamas a few years back to share the joy she finds in practicing Pilates with her daughter with busy moms across NYC.
Now with RE Pilates Studio, it signifies a new stage that reflects Janet’s own journey. RE Pilates Studio aims to help all women who wants to take care of themselves and prioritize their own wellness so that their body can be as sharp as their spirit and be ready for busy everyday life.
Janet has thousands of hours of certification under her belt, but she remains a forever student through many continued educations and weekly private sessions to stay up to the date with new information and stay sharp with her own skills.
The Studio
A clean and cosy studio in Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York. The studio is equipped with classical pilates equipment by Pilates Design.
What sets it apart is the dedication and the expertise that Janet brings to the clients. While she is classically trained in Pilates, her curiosity and her quest for betterment has lead her to constantly learn from other contemporary Pilates leaders therefore her teaching incorporates elements of both classical and contemporary methods, interchanging depending on the needs of each client.
Her teachers and mentors through the years include: Bob Liekens, Cary Reagan, Kathy Ross Nash, Blossom Leilani Crawford, Victoria Torrie-Capan, Kelly Kane and Ashley Matthews.